Sunday, January 31, 2016

Anaesthesia Anesthetic

Examples of anesthesia

The patient was given an injection to induce anesthesia.

Origin of anesthesia

New Latin, from Greek anaisthēsia insensibility, from a- + aisthēsis perception, from aisthanesthai to perceive — more at audible

First Known Use: circa 1721

Other Medicine Terms

analgesia, angina, diabetes, hepatitis, homeopathy, logorrhea, palliate, pandemic
Rhymes with anesthesia

Austronesia, Indonesia, Melanesia, Micronesia, paramnesia, Polynesia

ANESTHESIA Defined for Kids
noun an·es·the·sia \ˌa-nəs-ˈthē-zhə\
Definition of anesthesia

: loss of feeling in all or part of the body with or without loss of consciousness

Medical Dictionary
noun an·es·the·sia
Medical Definition of anesthesia

1: loss of sensation especially to touch usually resulting from a lesion in the nervous system or from some other abnormality

2: loss of sensation and usually of consciousness without loss of vital functions artificially produced by the administration of one or more agents that block the passage of pain impulses along nerve pathways to the brain

Variants of anesthesia
or chiefly British an·aes·the·sia \ˌan-əs-ˈthē-zhə\play

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