Monday, April 24, 2017

Judy Budnitz ALIVE and WELL

“He was a man who always gave the impression of wearing a top hat, even when he was not.”
― Judy Budnitz, Nice Big American Baby

Judy Budnitz
USA flag (1973 - )
The reports of my death are greatly exaggerated. - Mark Twain

Judy Budnitz's stories have appeared in The New Yorker, Harper's Magazine, Story, The Paris Review, The Oxford American, Glimmer Train, Fence, and McSweeney's, and she is the recipient of an O. Henry Award. Flying Leap was a New York Times Notable Book in 1998. Budnitz is also the author of the novel If I Told You Once, which won the Edward Lewis Wallant Award in the United States and was short-listed for the Orange Prize in Britain. She lives in San Francisco.

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