Saturday, April 16, 2022

My pal Hugh used to own the wedding cake house on South Main Street and today we were walking in that neighborhood. We stopped to admire the Victorian across the street that has a curved porch and wavy shingles and so many ornate details. When the owner came out, I shouted "We love your house!"

"Thank you."

"It's a work of art. Our friend used to own the one across the street but just after he bought it he got hired to work in Belgium and had to sell it."

The man smiled. "Oh well." He continued, "The house is now owned by the bank, the last owner tried to flood the basement deliberately but the next door neighbors saw the water filling up and came and got me and we both intervened. Then later squatters were living there and one night four squad cars showed up. The police got out with their guns drawn. I went into my house and grabbed a beer and sat on my porch to watch the show."

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