Tuesday, June 11, 2024

JOMO: The Joy of Missing Out

“Oh the joy of missing out.

When the world begins to shout

And rush towards that shining thing;

The latest bit of mental bling–

Trying to have it, see it, do it,

You simply know you won't go through it;

The anxious clamoring and need

This restless hungry thing to feed.

Instead, you feel the loveliness;

The pleasure of your emptiness.

You spurn the treasure on the shelf

In favor of your peaceful self;

Without regret, without a doubt.

Oh the joy of missing out”

Michael Leunig


Many people who are on their death bed will tell you that they do not regret the missed parties or the superficial friendships, but they regret the deeper stuff: the long dinner conversations with family, not being true to yourself, not developing deeper relationships, and not practicing enough self-love.

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