Monday, August 01, 2016

Jack and Flynn

Okay so Jack and Flynn were leaving and they had overnight gym bag etc. They took off in a brown Grand Marquis with Tennessee plates. Their body language had completely changed. Now they were walking scared.
I wondered
Where's the dog? The Rotweiller?

Well at 1:59 I woke up as if my brain had been searching for the answer.
At Rickhaven Street there's a guy with fancy cars. I walk by there all the time. Fancy means Volvo, Jaguar, Delorean Time Machine etc. He also keeps two massive Rotweillers. He used to let them barge out on their own, chained jack-in-the-boxes, terrifying neighbors and passers by. A few years back I phoned Bruce the dog officer on that. Anyway now he keeps the dogs chained inside the built in "porch" and the poop and pee reeks to high heaven in the summer ruining the 2 foot square plot of grass and the neighborhood ambiance.

Why are the fighting-dog owners the ones who seem terrified? These owners were are. I've walked the same route for years so I get to know people dogs and neighborhoods and cars.

I have not seen this dog or his poop on that spot for a few weeks. And I don't think he's moved.

I think these drug guys "rented" his dog!
Just sayin'

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