Monday, August 09, 2010


At 2:30 AM Sunday we both woke up after hearing the sound of a big vehicle and smelling exhaust through our window fan. I was still half asleep, dreaming it must be a garbage truck. I got up and looked out the window and saw three fire trucks, a rescue vehicle, several squad cars, and seven uniformed policemen going in and out of the house across the street. I saw a woman sitting on the curb in front of the house holding her head in her hands. I saw another woman on the sidewalk being consoled by a man. When I woke at 5:30 AM the police were still there. Two policemen were guarding the door while the crime scene investigators were going in and out of the house with cameras and bags, wearing turquoise rubber gloves. At 9:00 AM when I took Lily out, I saw people gathered on the sidewalk. Later in the morning I saw family going in and out of the house looking very sad. I spotted the turquoise rubber gloves on the sidewalk in front of my house.

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