Sunday, January 23, 2011


Yesterday we went to the city rink to skate, and the ice was bumpy! The Zamboni wasn't able to smooth it. The recent snowstorms had created a new challenge for the outdoor rink. It was fun to be out anyway and watch kids pushing milk crates across the ice. Its fun to watch their total physical determination - even when their skates are falling off they continue to propel themselves around the ice - and witness future hockey stars and daredevils in the making. There were two teenage girls, each wearing a mismatched pair of striped and polka-dotted leggings. One girl was in sneakers and the other in skates, and they were holding onto each other. The sneakered girl was munching cheddar-cheese Doritos out of a black plastic bag. Occasionally I'd find a dayglow orange triangle on the ice.

When we came home we were hungry. We had hot coffee and fresh bread while we warmed up food and made more coffee. We made toast and added leftover ham and mustard. Then we heated up a half-gallon block of ice from the freezer that was homemade vegetable soup. I have a terrible memory, so digging out frozen leftovers from the freezer is always a treasure hunt. The soup was labeled Beans and Greens 11-2-10, but it was even more elaborate, with tomatoes and other vegetables.

Sammy our cat is enjoying exploring the house. Lily is cool as long as Sammy doesn't step into the kitchen while we are cooking or eating (which is most of the time). Luckily the linoleum slows Lily down. For her, running on linoleum is like learning to skate.

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