Wednesday, October 03, 2012

Animal People

Last night on my walk I intercepted Bill driving home I waved him over and suggested he park the car so we could walk before it got too late. When we got to the end of Edgewater Drive Sara was out with her daughter and I said "I saw you driving by the other day. Was that a cockatoo on your shoulder?" Yes, we rescued him! She said, and ran inside and came out with a large white parrot on her shoulder. Bill held Lily because she was whimpering to get closer.The bird walked up my arm and got tangled in my hair. I have Velcro hair I said. Sara extracted the bird from my long gray hair. He was big and white and his rough sharp claws were warm on my arm. I loved the feeling of him walking on me. How old is he? He's 30 Sarah said. I looked at him again as if he'd look it. How can you tell? The bands on his foot. They live to be 100. Sarah is a female Dr Doolittle. She talks to the animals. She has chickens, ducks, lizards, a Chihuahua, cats, a mom, a dad, and a daughter. She works with handicapped adults. I know she is amazing because she is fearless and isn't afraid to touch. She fluffs the feathers of the bird showing us his wingspan. She told us Chihuahua and the big bird jump into bed with her in the morning to wake her up. It was getting dark. I was swatting mosquitoes. People had already begun to put their lights on. I saw a gigantic fish tank in the hallway of my favorite house. Everyone on this street has a dog or a cat or fish I said as we turned back towards home.

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