Sunday, May 05, 2013


by Erika Lutzner

Sold for five dollars; given drugs to make them jump like monkeys in a cage—the foreigners are turned on by this; go crazy for it. Girls as young as five run up to the men on the streets and say; Mister, want some yum yum? They have sleep in their eyes and don’t understand. Mister, want some yum yum? I will not think of my father, who married a Cambodian woman. Mister, want some yum yum? I will not think of him. Mister, want some yum yum? I jump like a monkey.

© 2009 Erika Lutzner, with permission by the author.

Erika Lutzner is the editor of Scapegoat Review. She curates Upstairs at Erika’s, a monthly writer's salon in Williamsburg, Brooklyn. Her work can be found in various places such as failbetter, Eclectica Magazine, and Tygerburing Literary Journal. Her first book, Invisible Girls, by dancing girl press is now available as well as a second book, Some Things Are True That Never Happened (an anthology). Her latest book, Bedtime Stories, will be available this coming fall also by dancing girl press. She is currently at work on a memoir.

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