Sunday, August 10, 2014

Host and Guest

Thinking a lot about what it means to be a good receptive guest and a proper host.

When entertaining there's a dance that goes on between host and guest that is not unlike a performer and his audience. It is a dance of control and surrender, or lack of control. A good guest and a good host must let go and be receptive to the adventure. Just like in life.

Whenever I "entertain" I prefer a small gathering of one two or three people since I get more excited than Lily my Labrador and my appetite flies out the window. Even with careful planning my excitement can take over and it may be hours or days before I recover.

When people ask what to bring to my house I always say the same thing. "Surprise me!" I don't want to make demands beyond when to show up and of course I hope my guests will be open minded, polite and willing to receive my environment and offerings. When they are not open or make impolite and cranky demands, I retreat back stage for some quick deep breathing, and self talk, before I go back out on stage.

Why are people so difficult? I think the secrets and customs of the table are dying off.

Everybody eats! The table is a sacred altar. A table changes conversation. It is much different than eating at a counter.

Entertaining is not something I do a lot of for a myriad of reasons, but making a dinner invitation can be a great excuse to clean up the house and yard, and have some fun cooking. I even love washing all the dishes the next day or that night if I am too wired to sleep.

I love to cook for people in their kitchens. People know this about me and I am often invited to be the guest-chef. I could enjoy being a personal chef and culinary tutor. What a great idea!

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