Sunday, February 08, 2015

Bill T. Jones, Dancer

Because art does for me what religion does-- it organizes a seemingly chaotic world. Because it is my way of making sense of the world and its changes.
― Bill T. Jones, Last Night on Earth

When I am in pain, I must know that beauty always has been and always will be. This is as close to eternity as I need to be.
― Bill T. Jones, Last Night on Earth

We can win.
We can lose.
We can fall down.
We can get up and do it over again, better.
We can go for it as if we have nothing to lose, knowing we have everything to lose.
We can tear up a dance floor and put it all back together again.
We can talk loud in public.
We can be fierce.
We can be small.
We can be mighty.
We can be too much.
We can be just enough, just in time.
We can.
We have to.
― Bill T. Jones, Last Night on Earth

Slavery is a memory of something we cannot remember, and yet we cannot forget.
― Bill T. Jones

My friends and family had put the bedroom back together and I woke the next morning thinking, for one brief second, that it was just another beautiful early-spring day. As I sat up, though, my body began to weep even before my mind recognized the cause for grieving. The world would never be the same. Everything I would make from that day on would recall how it had changed. Everything I did for myself would be in the name of what we had been.
― Bill T. Jones, Last Night on Earth

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