Thursday, January 04, 2018

One Action or the Ripple Effect

On trash day our green recycle bins were not emptied. When it happened again the following week I loaned my neighbors my unused extra green bins for their overflow. When the bins were ignored by the recycling truck for the second time I emailed sweet Mike D in city hall asking him what I should do. He said no problem, he'd take care of it. On my way home from walking Romeo I intercepted the public works guys loading the six green bins to cart them away. When they saw my worried look they said "Don't worry, we'll give them back!" Later in the day when I was getting salt and sand at the highway dept I saw one of the public works guys.
"By the way, we noticed some regular trash in the recycle bins collected today. There were puppy pads. I know it wasn't you," he said, smiling.
"It's my neighbors," I said. "They are the best neighbors I've ever had but English is not their first language. I will try to explain the recycling versus household trash to them."
"Don't worry, I'll send them a diagram in the mail," he said. "Also, the trash guys refuse to get out of their trucks in the cold. So if there's a car parked on the street blocking the bins they won't get picked up."
"In the cold weather my neighbors like to park on the street so they don't have to walk up and down the driveway," I said, laughing.
"I realize this is not okay," he continued. "I mean, you pay taxes in the city."
"I recall the former maintenance man used to put the bins right on the street. Now I see why. I'll try that. See how with one action we all affect each other? It's fascinating."

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