Friday, January 05, 2018

Post Blizzard Snow Day

Last night at 9PM I saw that my neighbor had buried my car with snow. He has never seen me drive my car so he must have assumed my car was dead. He usually parks next to me. The parking lot is tight quarters. As he dug out his car he tossed the snow on my car. I didn't say anything because it was nearly bed time and I wasn't sure what to say. Normally he's a perfect gentleman one of my best neighbors. I didn't want to embarrass him.

I knew we would have a lot of snow shoveling ahead of ourselves today. After my morning coffee I told myself a journey of a thousand miles begins with one shovel full of snow. My first idea was to make a passage through the small yard for Romeo to reach the bushes. While I was shoveling Romeo was right behind me making use of the new path, nosing the green tennis ball forward and then pouncing on it, entertaining himself. Occasionally he would bring the ball to me and drop it at my feet. I'd chuck it into the deep snow. He'd burrow under to get it returning with a white snow face on his black fur. He looked like he had his face in a bucket of flour. He was having so much fun. I was enjoying his company and grateful that the snow was light and fluffy even though it was deep. I shoveled a wide path through the large yard so Romeo could run big loops and the oil man could have access to the filler pipe. Then I shoveled the front steps out to the road and the side steps to the yard and then I was finally done. In Rhode Island there's always panic that the next storm could be rain and then a deep freeze so we all try to get the snow shoveled as soon as possible even if it takes all day.

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