Wednesday, February 06, 2019

Sta-cey! Sta-cey!

“America is made stronger by the presence of immigrants, not walls,” Stacey Abrams.

“The shutdown was a stunt engineered by the president of the United States, one that defied every tenet of fairness and abandoned not just our people — but our values,” Abrams said.

Abrams has long stressed voting rights and registration, an issue increasingly important to Democrats, who have made the case nationally that GOP officials are placing obstacles in the paths of minority and other voters.

In her speech, Abrams addressed the recent comment by McConnell that a Democratic proposal to make Election Day a federal holiday, along with other voting overhaul measures, amounts to a “power grab.”

“We must reject the cynicism that says allowing every eligible vote to be cast and counted is a ‘power grab,’ ” Abrams said.

As she did in her campaign for governor, Abrams aimed for a personal touch, talking about how her family “went back and forth between lower middle class and working class” when she was growing up.

Abrams challenged Republicans to embrace strongergun safety measures, saying, “This White House responds timidly while first-graders practice active-shooter drills.”

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