Sunday, June 09, 2019

Steve Pemberton

Steve Pemberton spoke at my husband's school last week
When he gives speeches and meets kids in foster care, he tells his story in hopes of inspiring them to fight their way out like he did.

He gives them this message: “This adversity that you inherited, you didn’t ask for it, you did not create it, but maybe this is your opportunity to right the wrong. That’s the power of adversity. It gives you strength.”

He said he’s not angry about his past, doesn’t wake up with nightmares or walk around with a chip on his shoulder. He said he’s melted away his angst and rage in another act of defiance aimed at his foster family and others who tried to keep him down.

“For me to walk through the world angry is to give them control over my life,” he said. “They are not allowed to have that. Nobody is.”

In the end, he said, all he wanted was to find his family. And he has.

“I think you can choose your family after all,” he said.

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