Thursday, October 03, 2019

Romeo's 2nd Year Adoption Birthday

I'm in a Dicken's novel this morning.

Lady on sidewalk speaking into phone. "There's my bicycle and stroller at 134 on the porch, I'm calling the police. (hangs up) "Get me the Woonsocket police dept."

Meanwhile my neighbor Ellen was picking up 35 piles of dog shit "the third floor locks their dog on the porch and it pees down!" I wish I could help but it has to come from you. Have you called the landlord? Yes. Okay if you are not getting results call Jacob in housing. He can help you. Here's his number and email. Then I wrote to Jacob to keep his ears open for Ellen. I try to be a resource!

Just ran into Jen, a woman whose saga I've been following. She said "I'm sober, I have a new boyfriend and my ex is letting me see the kids, cuz I'm off crack for 3 months." I shook her hand.

Today is ROMEO's 2nd year ADOPTION BIRTHDAY!!

The roof guys and painters were here all day. Yay for the house. Sounds like a big rat is gnawing on my house. Romeo is not happy about it. I am happy to get the house mended after waiting through the recession.

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