Thursday, July 09, 2020

Donat Leroux
My elderly pal Donut walks the city day and night. He's thin as a pencil, tall, and very funny. He lives two blocks from my house in the elderly high-rise. I love to run into him, and I do every few days, on my dog-walking treks through downtown. "I gotta walk, people are dropping like flies in there," pointing to the high-rise with his thumb. The first time I met him he asked me if Honey bites. He told me he was bit by a pit-bull once and had to get stitches. He pointed to his hip and thigh. He said the doctor told him, "Your name is Donut? If I was a dog, I'd bite you too!" His real name is Donat, but everyone pronounces it Donut. He always has one-liners for me and I always laugh. He's a French Canadian Groucho Marx, and I am his appreciative audience. Saturday, November 04, 2006

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