Friday, July 10, 2020

Goya Bye Bye

“We are blessed?” tweeted chef and humanitarian José Andrés. “I think Latinos we are being mistreated …”

Andrés’s comments were echoed widely across Twitter on Thursday as critics, many of whom are Latino, denounced Unanue and vowed to no longer support Goya Foods.

The official Twitter account of Latino Victory, a progressive political action committee, promoted the boycott hashtag and urged people to vote.

“It’s shameful and appalling that the president of Goya Foods is praising the most anti-Latino president in the history of our country,” Nathalie Rayes, the PAC’s president and CEO, said in a statement. “We call for a boycott of Goya Foods products and anyone who stands with Donald Trump and against our community.”

The movement also drew support from several prominent figures ranging from politicians to celebrities like Chrissy Teigen.

“A shame,” Tiegen, author of the popular cookbook “Cravings,” tweeted. “Don’t care how good the beans taste though. Bye bye.”

Some took their outrage a step further, saying that they were immediately purging their households of Goya products, with one person sharing an image of a semi-full trash can. In response, many discouraged the action and suggested that the unwanted items be donated to food banks instead.

Meanwhile, others pushing the boycott promoted alternative brands and shared recipes for Goya favorites, such as adobo seasoning.

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