Tuesday, August 10, 2021

The tale of Zahhak, the emperor with two snakes growing out of his neck

The tale of Zahhak, the emperor with two snakes growing out of his neck, is among the many accounts of virtuous and tyrannical rulers in the Shahnama (Book of Kings) of Ferdowsi (10th century). Cursed with the serpents by the shape shifting cook/physician Ahriman, Zahhak must feed them human brains every day or they will devour his own. He eventually overthrows the world-ruler Jamshid, keeping his two daughters, but dreams of his own eventual demise. In this illumination from Bukhara (Uzbekistan, about 1615), a magos — a Persian dream interpreter / astronomer / magician — tells Zahhak of Fereydun, who embodies justice and generosity. 

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