Sunday, June 09, 2024

The tradition of passing trauma from generation to generation like a family heirloom stops with you its final inheritor determined to lay it to rest

“Until your very last breath, you will always be deserving.”
Zara Bas, This Time You Save Yourself

“It’s okay if you broke down today it’s okay if you broke down yesterday it’s okay if you’ve broken down every day of this week   You’re still here and you’re just as resilient and lovable as ever”
Zara Bas, This Time You Save Yourself

“You don’t have to be in crisis to be important.”
Zara Bas, This Time You Save Yourself

“You can decide now that the life you’ve built is a good one that can be expanded upon rather than a subpar one that must be fixed”
Zara Bas, This Time You Save Yourself

“you are not the things they said to you in the throes of anger”
Zara Bas, I Have to Tell You Something

“Regardless of whether you believe it or not
you are important
you are worthy
you are good enough
you are acceptable
you are valuable.”
Zara Bas, I Have to Tell You Something

“Who you are is someone worth loving
not only for the way you make others feel
the way you show kindness
enlivening the days of strangers
and loved ones alike
who you are is someone worth loving

- Simply as you are.”
Zara Bas, I Have to Tell You Something

“I know you've been told the very opposite
but hear me out

you are worth the hassle
you are worth the inconvenience
you are not exasperating
you're not causing a fuss
asking for what you need is not being difficult

- Stop apologizing for being human”
Zara Bas, I Have to Tell You Something

“I don't know if I'm doing this correctly
this whole
'making life for yourself' thing
but I am trying
and that is what matters.”
Zara Bas, I Have to Tell You Something

“So then be basic
like what everyone else likes
enjoy the pumpkin spice lattes
wear leggings as pants
because no matter how mainstream

If you like it, you like it and that's a good enough reason”
Zara Bas, I Have to Tell You Something

“It wasn't that you were hard to love
they just weren't capable of loving you
the way you deserved”
Zara Bas, I Have to Tell You Something

“It's not just okay to be sensitive
it's beautiful to be sensitive
it's beautiful to be aware and feel deeply
it's beautiful to love with your heart on your sleeve”
Zara Bas, I Have to Tell You Something

“You were not put on this earth to turn your life into a performance piece for the judgment of others.”
Zara Bas, I Have to Tell You Something

“The high of finding places to fix within yourself can quickly become another addiction
in the healing rat race so don't forget
- You can be flawed and still be flourishing.”
Zara Bas, I Have to Tell You Something

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