Sunday, September 08, 2024

Josh Marshall

The "pro gun movement" is the great movement of social degeneracy of our time. We see this again in JD Vance's claim that school shootings are just a "fact of life" we now have to deal with ...

2/ by continuing the endless increases to school security which makes our schools into war zones. The pro-gun movement created the problem and they now announce that we have to live with it. Saying that regulating the availability of guns isn't at least part of the ...

3/ is like insisting on unhygienic hospitals because you'll never eradicate all germs. The whole premise is so absurd that it would comical if the results weren't such a field of horror and tragedy. The only reason the effort is futile is because the gun cult puts guns ...

4/ before every other social good. Even in Vance's quotes in the article above you see the standard obfuscation and lying. "Psychos" he say realize "our schools are soft targets" so "we’ve got to bolster security so if a psycho wants to walk through the front door ...

5/ and kill a bunch of children they’re not able.” Our society is so lost on this issue that we don't slow to pick apart what a complete crock of shit this statement is. They're picking schools because they "soft targets". They picking schools because they're kids who ...

6/ go to those schools and so that's where they do their mass shooting? Did you expect them to go to a law firm? Or a bank? This language about killing children is meant to ignore the fact that they are almost always themselves children. They're shooting up their own school.
7/ People like Vance and all the other members of the gun cult use this language about "soft" and "hardened targets" as a kind of commando chic, as though ordinary civil spaces are inherently war zones. But they're not. They did that. What's lost on even ...
8/ many gun cult opponents is that our inability as a society to deal with guns not only makes the modern mass shooting phenomena possible it also creates it's greatest allure. The modern school and mass shooting are different from other crimes and mass murders.
9/ They are quests for total power. The ability for an angry, stunted young man to go out in a blaze of indiscriminate killing and mass terror. Firearms represent this not only because they can kill so quickly and at such scale but because of the total power they ...

10/ represent in our society. They are literally untouchable. These acts of mass carnage become common place but taking any real action to restrict access to these weapons is unthinkable. Their power and sway over the society is that great. It shouldn't surprise us that ...

11/ angry and lonely and emotionally stunted young men aren't attracted to the power that represents. Of course they are. The gun cult created this world, with a fabricated history and jurisprudence and now we're told we just have to live with it. source

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