Monday, September 16, 2024

Two Feet

Lena wasn't allowed to wash her hair for some reason. After a while her hair looked like an oily mop and nobody wanted to sit near her. One day her mom came to pick her up from school in a huge black Oldsmobile. They offered me a ride home. While her mom was driving I looked down and noticed that her mom was using both feet, one foot used the break and one on the gas. I remembered being told that was the wrong way to drive because your reflex in an emergency would be to use both feet at once and that was dangerous. I was worried.  Her mom wore a black dress and pointy black shoes and shiny black nail-polish on her long fingernails. She smiled at me with dark red lipstick and her teeth were olive green. I jumped out at the stop sign and ran the rest of the way home.

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