Sunday, February 04, 2007

Mercury's Rising!

We just saw Mercury in the sky with our naked eye. Have a look, at 5:45 PM, from wherever you are! It will only be this clearly visible at this time for another week. Look at the horizon where the sun sets. It's below and to the right of Venus. Mercury's rising and the temps are dropping!

I visited the calves today at Wrights' Dairy Farm. They are so cute with their pink snouts. They were mooing as the farmer banged out the ice from their white plastic gallon buckets and gave them fresh water and food. The calves sounded just like those mooing toys little kids have.

One of the bakers at Wright's is a star gazer and she points out the constellations and moon phases to her baking comrades. She starts her day in the dark, looking up! Cow jumped over the moon?

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