Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Magnificent Dirt

Ten years of procrastination paid off! Our pile of sticks mulched into magnificent dirt! I am so excited. We are using our six extra blue green and brown plastic recycle trash barrels to fill with our new dirt. Then, when it's all cleared off the cement we will have the perfect basketball court. I have turned over the small garden. Wish I could get manure not so much because we need it but because I love the adventure of shovelling manure from the mountain at the dairy farm into a few cardboard boxes in the back of a pickup truck. Country living in the big city!! Lily is a happy dog as long as she gets the BIG daily walk. Me too. We saw little league practice at Cold Spring Park last night and all the nine year old boys in red tops with gray leggings. So cute. Our friend Judy was the coach with hat and clipboard. This town is too cute, like a sweet dream!

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