Monday, August 25, 2014

Numbers make me Cry

When I was seven and in second grade I had to learn addition and subtraction. Whenever I had to solve math problems I would break into sobs. My mother took me to a shrink and she hired a tutor to pay me in black and white jelly beans to learn arithmetic. At 53 I still cry over numbers and I still imagine the jelly beans.
Friday I went to deposit money after hours and the bank machine ate my cash and didn't acknowledge doing so. Today I went to the bank to straighten things out and they said I had to go home and call the Jupiter branch of the bank to ask for help. When I did the voice was having a hard time understanding me. I was having trouble understanding her.
I said "Since I was seven, numbers have made me cry,"
"Now numbers still make you cry! She laughed.
"You make me laugh, thank-you, so stress-full." She said.

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