Monday, December 22, 2014


Yogi Bhajan:

“The moment you touch your soul, you become fearless.”

“As long as you are not spirit you are not going to be happy, you are not going to be, and you are not gong to have fun. Spirit is the fun, spirit prevails, spirit is your decoration, spirit is your make-up, spirit is your being, spirit is your identity and your spiritual projection is your power.”

“We are not Indians. We are not Americans. We are not Germans and we are not French. We follow a spiritual bond, and spirit is not divided by the boundaries of political arenas. The projectivity of the magnetic field of the soul is always at the same frequency wherever it exists. It is called the lifeline.”

“When people start serving the soul, which is everywhere and nowhere, they start becoming the soul; and the soul is a part of God. ”

“The only thing the body and mind are given to you for is your soul, the spirit. When you are serving your soul, you are subtle, calm and peaceful. Whenever you are serving your ego, you are fearful and afraid.”

“The purpose of life, the attitude of life, is to serve the soul.”

“The soul is the highest self, body and mind are there to serve the soul. But when the two servants start serving each other, the Master goes hungry. That is why souls are hungry, empty and in pain. The soul can only find liberation if the mind and body serve it. ”

“If the body does not flow with the soul and the soul cannot command the body, the human life is lost. It has no purpose. The relationship between the human body and the soul is like the relationship of a lover and a beloved....The soul is in every part of life as the beloved is in every part of the lover.”

“That is the first sign, the first qualification of a Kundalini Yoga Teacher--that he goes through calamity with a radiant smile, he deals with another person with a most humble understanding and he lives in the core relationship of Imperial Majesty.”

“A teacher has a primary responsibility to be a conscious leader, to be ahead of the times.”


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