Monday, December 22, 2014

Smile in Adversity

Yogi Bhajan:

“Smile in adversity; that is the first lesson.”

“If you do not understand that life is there to challenge you with every breath of life, you do not understand living. If you do not challenge your life yourself, somebody else will challenge it.”

“Everyone, whether a king or queen, pauper or beggar, lover or deserter, attorney or accused, is going to be challenged in life. One thing you cannot escape is challenge. Whether you challenge the challenge or you give in to the challenge, that is what decides your spirituality. Is your spirit higher than the challenge so you can face it?”

“Spread the light and the grace and be alert. Take cold showers. Meditate. And pray. So that adversity may not make you a victim. Difficulty is very simple. You have to decide between victory and being a victim. You understand? And choice is yours. It is a free choice.”

“You may lie to the whole world but never lie to a child because you will hurt his innocence and he will come back on you a hundred times more powerfully later on.”

“Every child is born as karma to parents, but also every child is born as karma to himself or herself. There is double action and people mostly forget this. One is the karma to parents, the other is the karma to the self, and in between a person has to develop and grow and become free.”

“The prayer of the mother is the most powerful tool. Once you give birth to a child, give him the highest gift: pray for that child. Giving birth to a child and not adding prayer to that child is just building a house with no foundation.”

“We use our children for security. Then our children use us for security, and life is a mess. Give children their own security; their security is Truth and God. Give them the true identity of themselves and you will have angels on this Earth.”

“If we cannot create an institution in which we create oneness of two individuals, then a child cannot be born with the caliber and intelligence to save the planet Earth”

“Kundalini Yoga is uncoiling yourself to find your potential and your vitality and to reach for your virtues. There is nothing from outside. Try to understand that. All is in you. You are the storehouse of your totality.”


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