Monday, November 16, 2015

Marianne Williamson: Listening

Dialogue with yourself about your true dreams. From going to Paris to looking beautiful, from writing a book to owning your own business, what do you really long for? What do you really wish to be true for you? What is your heart’s desire...for if you won’t honor it, then who else will? It doesn’t matter that Mommy or Daddy or your siblings or your teachers or whoever else didn’t value your dreams. God did, and He does. It’s time for you to start thinking like God whenever you think about anything...including yourself.

This journaling process is an important tool, and not just for losing weight or even for maintaining your best weight. It’s a tool for cultivating your highest self, as applied not only to weight but to any area of your life. Journaling is a way you listen to yourself, by making it clear to yourself what you actually think and feel. The more room you give yourself to express your true thoughts and feelings, the more room there is for your wisdom to emerge. In listening to yourself, you learn from yourself. In listening deeply to the voice of your heart, you reestablish relationship with your true self, so long denied.

Start listening to yourself now, and you will find that what you hear is the music of your soul. Its sounds will accompany you as you move toward the life—and the body—that nature intends for you. In the eyes of God, you are more beautiful and more creative than even a rose could ever be.

- Marianne Williamson

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