Thursday, August 30, 2018

Beth Kephart: It Falls Up

Read far more than you write. Live even more than you read. Don’t measure yourself against a soul.
-Beth Kephart

“Have you ever watched a leaf leave a tree? It falls upward first, and then it drifts toward the ground, just as I find myself drifting towards you.”
― Beth Kephart, Undercover

“Forgiveness, which is the place that every story turns, the chance we give each other.”
― Beth Kephart, Undercover

“How do you know when an apology is true—when it means something, or can change something, or will last outside the moment?”
― Beth Kephart, Undercover

“Step out from behind the words. When you're a writer you can imagine that the words speak for you and are you, but they're not. You are this living breathing bad hair day kind of person.”
― Beth Kephart

“You know how a river goes on and on? That's my love for you.”
― Beth Kephart, Undercover

“Here’s another change I’ve noticed: The dark is more than the sun dropping off, more than the moon and the stars. It’s what you can’t see that you hope you will see, what hasn’t been that might be.”
― Beth Kephart

“I hold to fiction as a cure, or partial cure, or cause for hope, or essential distraction from the rain you wake up to, the doubts in your head, the daily desolation that you have not yet said what is most true, you have not yet crafted the story that reveals you. And therefore something waits. Therefore you must wake and you must write and you are not alone.

Your fiction is with you.”
― Beth Kephart

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