Sunday, March 12, 2023

The Great Manipulators

My siblings and I were raised by a pair of monster manipulators, and it's no accident that the ones who didn't escape have grown up to do the same to their children. Now their children are having children and I wonder if they will commit the same crimes. Sadly, I suspect they will.

How do you break the evil trends in a family? The trend of liars, cheaters, sexual abusers, narcissists, greedy, entitled, bastards? You don't. 

You run for your life and try not to look back without a pen in your hand.

The children have grown up to be terrified humans who are control freaks, trying to dictate all of the details and terms of everything at every moment as a way to compensate for their caged psyches.

Czeslaw Milosz — 'When a writer is born into a family, the family is finished.'

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