Tuesday, January 26, 2010


Today I was relieved to get out and walk in the sunshine, especially after being house-bound by crazy wind and rain yesterday. When Lily and I got to the park I saw that the snow in the baseball field had melted and become a shallow pond and ducks were swimming in it! The ground was moist and muddy - it nearly pulled my sneakers off my feet as I walked around. Lily ran and worked up so much heat she went wading and running through the gigantic cold puddle to cool off and drink. The splashing was a summery sound I rarely hear in January! Getting wet got her even more excited. She ran like lightning along the fence. When we got home Lily tolerated my hosing all the mud off of her legs, tail, and belly. She is so sweet it breaks my heart. She has been contentedly sleeping like a baby since. I love knowing she has had exactly what she was built to have: long walks and huge runs, people and dogs to greet, and our loving companionship. Even the neighborhood mailman opened his sliding mail truck door while driving by to shout hello to Lily!

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