Monday, January 03, 2011

Doug Bell


There's a girl, trapped inside a woman
The woman, hides the little girl
There's a pearl in a locket, in her pocket
She hides the key
C'est la vie, c'est dommage, say bonne nuit
Say anything you think will keep you safe at sea

Ships, passing in the night
Flashing you a light, seems so safe and warm
Ships, passing in the night, bolts of flashing light
A perfect storm
There's a boy, trapped inside a man
The man, hates the little boy
There's a toy broken in his pocket
A little rocket, no wind up key
C'est la vie, c'est dommage, say bonne nuit
Say anything you think will keep you safe at sea

(chorus) Ships, passing in the night

In a world, made of man and woman
Pearls and rockets, locks and keys
Love's the pickpocket, picks the locks and lockets
Empties all the pockets, throws away the keys
Throws away the keys

Words and Music by Doug Bell, Half Seas Over Music

performed and recorded by Bellvue Cadillac
reprinted with permission from the author

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