Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Drawing Blood

When my doctor told me I had to have a routine blood test, and that I had to fast for ten hours beforehand, I panicked. "You're asleep 8 of the ten hours," my husband reminded me.

When I walked into the kitchen this morning I looked at the clock and remembered that my last food was an apple I ate at 9PM. If I skipped my morning coffee and breakfast I could get the test today. I googled the location of the blood lab. There's one right here in town and it opens at 7AM. I went upstairs and woke up my husband. "If we get over there I can have the blood test and be done," I said, already feeling woozy from no calories. "Okay," my husband said getting out of bed. "I guess this is why hunger strikers drink water," I said as I packed water and a banana for the half-mile ride home.

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