Sunday, April 12, 2020

Wally Lamb

“My creative brain is most active in the early morning, coming out of the dream state,” he said. “I’ve done my fair share of goofing off, but I’ve been a little more productive than usual.”

Lamb has several things in the works. Before lockdown, he was able to visit the set of HBO’s adaptation of his novel “I Know This Much Is True,” and he met Mark Ruffalo, who is playing the twin protagonists.

He’s also working on a new novel about a character who is just coming out of prison, and he finds the writing provides a welcome respite from our current reality.

“I’ve been able to create a boundary — one of the things I’ve felt good about is that writing allows me to escape the whole pandemic for the hours that I’m writing,” he said. “In the story that I’m writing, coronavirus isn’t there, we are still free of it in that world, and I get my head pretty deeply into it because I’m writing in first person. I am this guy while I’m there.”

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