Wednesday, June 23, 2021

Slum Landlords Take Down a City

The house for sale is wide open in the middle of the city. It's help yourself real estate strategy for an absentee landlord and lazy realtor. The residents have never met their landlord and all hell has been breaking loose for the five years he's owned it. We had three children abandoned, no schooling, no decent meals, living alone for over a year while the mother lived elsewhere with her boyfriend. The oldest was eleven the youngest, a toddler. Now we have two women who fight, choking each other and smashing furniture. They have two gigantic dogs that have not been outside in years. So when the inspectors come on behalf of prospective buyers to see the apartments they find the top floor covered with dog feces and the urine leaking through the ceiling to the empty 2nd floor apartment below, leaving stains and a whopping stench. I am curious if anyone will buy the house for the hefty asking price, quadrupled from what the landlord originally paid.

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