Friday, January 28, 2022

Last Night

Last night my husband said he needed to put air in the tires. Normally he uses a bicycle pump and fills the tires himself. "Why not go to Murphy's and get some air, it's so cold out, and you're a regular customer, "  I said. He took off and came back ten minutes later. "One tire was really low but the rest were good."

"Let's go downtown, I need to mail a card and return a library book and we can walk Romeo."

"I can't find my gloves," Bill said.  We went out without them.

"I know where they are," Bill said, "they were on the hood of the car from when I was filling the tire. I forgot and they must've fallen off."

It was cold and dark out and we decided to go to bed rather than go out and look for the gloves.

Today on my walk home I remembered the missing gloves and so I took a detour with Romeo to walk by Murphy's and see if I saw the gloves in the street. I saw one glove and crossed the traffic and saw the other in the gutter. I picked them up, smiling the whole way home. I just washed them and hung them up next to the boiler to dry. I hope they will be dry by the time he gets home.

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