Monday, May 22, 2023

Whiskey, Ribs and Whipped Cream

She knew what Jackson's family would serve at the graduation picnic. Whiskey, ribs, and whipped cream. Nobody in his family ever had a gall bladder attack or a problem with lactose intolerance. God bless 'em they were lucky. Bacon, sugar and butter were the holy trinity, preferably together at every holiday meal.

She didn't want to appear rude or go hungry, so she made her favorite buttermilk coleslaw,  a pot of beans and her multigrain sourdough bread, and put them on the buffet table. Even if nobody else was going to eat the foods she brought at least she'd be able to have something that she loved.


And beverages? She rarely drank because it wasn't fun when she was down and not necessary when she was feeling fabulous. Occasionally hot black coffee was her party drink but iced water was about all she could manage during the allergy season. She drank pints of it to counter the effects allergy medicine.

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