Sunday, October 15, 2023

Joy Harjo

“There is no poetry where there are no mistakes.”
Joy Harjo

“I've always had a theory that some of us are born with nerve endings longer than our bodies”
Joy Harjo, In Mad Love and War

“I know I walk in and out of several worlds each day.”
Joy Harjo

“It's possible to understand the world from studying a leaf. You can comprehend the laws of aerodynamics, mathematics, poetry and biology through the complex beauty of such a perfect structure.

It's also possible to travel the whole globe and learn nothing.”
Joy Harjo, The Woman Who Fell from The Sky: Poems

“I release you, my beautiful and terrible fear. I release you. You were my beloved and hate twin, but now, I don't know you as myself”
Joy Harjo

“A story matrix connects all of us.
There are rules, processes, and circles of responsibility in this world. And the story begins exactly where it is supposed to begin. We cannot skip any part.”
Joy Harjo, Crazy Brave

“I was born with eyes that can never close...”
Joy Harjo

“All acts of kindness are lights in the war for justice.”
Joy Harjo, The Woman Who Fell from The Sky: Poems

“She exists in me now, just as I will and already do within my grandchildren. No one ever truly dies. The desires of our hearts make a path. We create legacy with our thoughts and dreams.”
Joy Harjo, Crazy Brave

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