Sunday, February 02, 2025

Rick Wilson

Post Rick Wilson ‪‬ 1/ OK, Democratic members of Congress in the US Senate. It’s time for some tough love.  I am aware your pollsters and consultants tell you things like “the American people want us to work together” and “ focus on prescription drug prices in the economy.” February 2, 2025 at 10:02 AM 930 reposts 283 quotes 3.5K likes ‪Rick Wilson‬ ‪‬ · 1h 
2/ They're wrong. You're in a war with people who are determined not to destroy the government, but to replace it with a weird alliance of oligarchs, kleptocrats, and religious fanatics.   You have no good-faith partners on the other side of the table. ‪Rick Wilson‬ ‪‬ · 1h 
3/ They will always put Trump over America. They will always lie. They will always play on your naive good faith. They will always fuck you.  America needs a party of fighting Democrats now. Stop talking policy and start saying, "Fuck you."   What's that look like? ‪Rick Wilson‬ ‪‬ · 1h 
4/ Maximum resistance. Johnson's House number is so narrow that one DUI costs him the majority. Never give him a vote even if it causes short-term pain in your district. Block everything. Slow every process.   "Oh, no," you cry, "The media will say mean things about us obstructing progress." ‪Rick Wilson‬ ‪‬ · 1h 
5/ Stop being naive. They call you communist satanist pedophiles every day. FIDO: Fuck It. Drive On.   Stoke MAGA rivalries in the House. Elevate Greene and the loons as the definition of the GOP.  Have the DCCC invest in some real oppo, not your usual weak-dick content. (Hint: Cawthorn is right.) ‪Rick Wilson‬ ‪‬ · 1h 
6/ In the Senate (God save us), be like Mitch McConnell if HE was in the minority. Maneuver. Obstruct. Delay. Use the rules to stop everything you can. Guilt the hell out of Collins, Murkowski, Langford, Tillis, and anyone else you can.  (This is a tall order for which I have little hope.) ‪Rick Wilson‬ ‪‬ · 1h 
7/ For both House and Senate, as well as massive Dem superPACs (looking at you, Future Forward) START SUING. I'm not a lawyer, obvi, but any moron can see that Trump's unconstitutional and illegal actions not only deserve but DEMAND court challenges. ‪Rick Wilson‬ ‪‬ · 1h
 8/ The Republicans have sacrificed the legitimacy of Congress on the altar of obeisance to Trump. They've abrogated the power and role of a co-equal branch of government.   Y'all might want to do any and everything you can to save it before its too late. ‪Rick Wilson‬ ‪‬ · 1h
 /9 So endeth the lesson. ‪Rick Wilson‬ ‪‬ · 59m /9b Thank you for coming to my TED talk.

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