Tuesday, February 03, 2009

Lily Joy!

I had three big walks with Lily yesterday! I am teaching Lily simple commands; heel, sit, stay, down, give. We have been playing fetch in the house with the purple squeaky ball and the furry ball!

We've been making the rounds stopping in and saying hello to all the dog-loving folks around town at the bank, the YMCA, the post office and Joe's Moldy Oldies.

I've been sniffing her face while kissing her. After walking around town Lily's forehead smells like other people's perfume and cologne! When I kissed her today my red lipstick showed up on her pale fur.

After our walk yesterday her legs were muddy so I coaxed her into our empty yellow bathtub and hosed her down. She was okay with that.

I don't know who is more excited, Lily or me!

The previous owners gave her up because her hunting instincts got her in trouble. Her second family thought she had too much energy. She's not a problem here, we love her big energy. We make a good team!

Lily's bark is rare but when she does bark she's a baritone, like a Great Dane!

Three times yesterday she came to me with a toothbrush in her mouth. Maybe she's trying to tell me something!

This morning on our walk, Jamie Sullivan invited her inside his butcher shop on North Main Street. Lily sat smiling while I introduced her.

On the way home the ladies at Moonlight Wieners came running out with bright orange hot dogs for her.

The snow has just begun! We're looking forward to a few more walks today!!


Unknown said...

Emily - we're thrilled you have adopted Lily. She could not be in a better home!

Anonymous said...

Emily, this is a great post! You sound so happy and what a lucky dog to have found your home. The toothbrush thing...I didn't notice any problem when I met you ;
