Thursday, October 08, 2009

Cornel West

Music at its the grand archeology into and transfiguration of our guttural cry, the great human effort to grasp in time our deepest passions and yearnings as prisoners of time. Profound music leads us--beyond language--to the dark roots of our scream and the celestial
heights of our silence.
-Cornel West

You can't lead the people if you don't love the people. You can't save the people if you don't serve the people.
-Cornel West

I have tried to be a [wo]man of letters in love with ideas in order to be a wiser more loving person, hoping to leave the world just a little better than I found it.
-Cornel West

The country is in deep trouble. We've forgotten that a rich life consists fundamentally of serving others, trying to leave the world a little better than you found it. We need the courage to question the powers that be, the courage to be impatient with evil and patient with people, the courage to fight for social justice. In many instances we will be stepping out on nothing, and just hoping to land on something. But that's the struggle. To live is to wrestle with despair, yet never allow despair to have the last word.
-Cornel West

Empathy is not simply a matter of trying to imagine what others are going through, but having the will to muster enough courage to do something about it. In a way, empathy is predicated upon hope.
-Cornel West


Matt Leary said...

I love to see Cornel West interviewed by Charlie (brings out the best in people) Rose. Never get to see Charlie anymore cause I don't have a TV.

charles said...

i saw west at brown. riveting.