Saturday, March 13, 2010

Chihuahua eyes

I was sick of going to the same old haunts and Lily eating goose poop so yesterday I decided to visit the other fenced-in baseball field I know - the Aylsworth baseball field. I was there a year ago when I found it by accident one day just after I had adopted Lily. I noticed the gates had been tampered with and they wouldn't close all the way. So I tied Lily's green leash to hold the big double gate closed, and took a log I found near a bordering brook and wedged the small back gate shut with it like a Soho police lock. Then I let Lily run loose. She ran happily, chasing the spinning sticks I threw. She was exhausted in no time. There was a big lady with a bread-loaf-sized miniature Doberman outside the back fence which was at the end of her street. I feared she might scold me for running my dog in the field but she said she likes to run her dog in the field too. We chatted a bit. Her dog had Chihuahua eyes.

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