Thursday, March 18, 2010

Sleep is Medicine

There is an Italian proverb - Sleep is medicine. I got a full eight hours of sleep last night and feel grounded again. Blowing off the long walk in the past two days due to distractability was a hazard to the gravitational forces that keep me on the earth. Lily jumped up at four AM, placing her paws and head on my chest. I stroked her ears for 20 minutes and then she was happy to return to her bed on the floor. Maybe she was having a nightmare! Later in the morning I dreamt about huge spiders in tangled webs hanging in a room - the spiders were the size of Barbie dolls. I was terrified trying to walk around them without waking them. I asked myself, aren't spiders this size only in warm climates?

Yesterday the five-year-old girl next door was dressed in green camouflage shorts and plaid green mary janes (it was St Patricks day). She was riding around the parking lot, driving her pink SUV Barbie Cadillac, gunning it with her friend aboard. Her dad told us, this thing goes five miles an hour! Jeffrey, the boy who looks like a line drawing of a boy, was her passenger, and Jewel, their sage 11-year-old white German shepherd, was following them back and forth. Our neighborhood parking lot catches the sun in summer. It is large and paved, and protected by the tenements and school house and our house surrounding it. Every Spring through Fall it becomes a make-shift park for the kidlets and dogs who live here. Time to get out the sidewalk chalk.

1 comment:

Margaret said...

I loved the imagery of a young American consumer in the making; her "pink Barbie SUV" contrasted with the 'line drawing' boy. I imagined Harold and his purple crayon seated beside "next generation Barbie" in the flesh!