Monday, August 12, 2013


I was in a loft participating in a photo shoot about weddings. I was selecting things to wear and which objects to have in my particular photograph. There were vintage wedding items like the black and white wedding couple dolls that were once placed on cakes but these were very old and made of fabric, not plastic. I found a skirt as tall as my shoulders. It was decorated with an image of acrobats, elephants, and umbrellas. A circus skirt! A tattooed arm along the wall of the loft caught my attention. It belonged to one of three bodies of young women on the floor near the fire escape windows. I went over to see them - they were like mannequins, but sleeping. We were told that they were prostitutes who worked in the alley. Except for their tattooed arms their bodies had no flesh or skin. They seemed to be made of wooden blocks, like wooden dolls collapsed in a heap.

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