Monday, April 20, 2015

Soul Food of All Nations

We were invited to the Lao New year celebration yesterday at the Elks Hall, and it was amazing. My husband loved it too and said "I love the level of chaos, everyone is talking and eating while the monks are chanting. In my church growing up we would have to be silent when the priest spoke, sitting in rows."

People were enjoying watching us try all of the food and love it. They sent us home with supper. As we were eating it my husband said "They cook like you, throwing in leaves and twigs and whole chunks of things!" The dish was coconut lemongrass chicken a tiny hard boiled yolk, a quail egg maybe, and curry leaves. The food was spicy delicious satisfying. We ate it with rice and it was perfect.

I love soul food of all nations.

I truly believe if we could share our food, music, dance, and spirituality we would have an imperfect world growing more compassionate.

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