Sunday, April 19, 2015

Tricks and Transitions

Transitions are very hard for everyone, my husband said Each person has their own way of handling them. I go through them as fast as possible. You try to move through them as slowly as possible.

True! I come from a family where at he holidays we took all day to decide what go to do in the City and then ended up doing nothing.

I have to trick myself into transitions. Do one lap, play one song, paint one stroke.Lily has a way of getting me out the door. I just grab the leash and my jacket is already stuffed with house keys, poop bags and we go. Once I get out I am relieved. I made it through the transition!
Just walk to the corner, I say to myself, and I always end up enjoying it, walking a few miles perhaps not ready to transition back home.
It's a habit, my husband reminds me. So habit might be the other way to make a transition less agonizing. I read that NYC dancer Twyla Tharp hails a cab each morning at 5:30 AM to get her out to her dance studio. Perhaps the cabbie knows her well by now and he is there waiting to pick her up. I have a lot of things to think about concerning transitions.

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