Monday, October 31, 2016

Something Positive

"Can you hold on a minute I have something to show you," he said running back inside. He brought out his cell phone to show me an image. "Do you see it?" he asked.
"Tell me what you see and I will try," I said.
"The head of Jesus. There's the goatee, the nose, the eyes," he said, pointing.
"Yes I do! I see it," I said. "You know what, you might want to get yourself some watercolor paints," I suggested.
"I love to draw," he said.
"Great, because you've developed your eyes," I said. "You could see faces in that tree, for example,"
"I do all the time."
"Well then, drawing is a perfect way to use your trained eye," I said.
"Thank you, something positive today," he mused.

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