Tuesday, September 19, 2017

Battery in my Heart

Love from friends is like a battery in my heart. I am thankful for the love and understanding. I didn't think I had friends without Lily. Maybe that is what Lily my teacher taught me. That I am worthy of love and I have love to give everyone just like her. It's been amazing few days riding my bicycle around and stopping to greet people. This time my bicycle is my dog, my horse.

I think the teachings I love to read are not unlike things friends have talked about with me from their training. This is my interest. I love INTERFAITH commonalities and varieties. I love to see all of the spiritual traditions because I think they all point to love.

I hope my statement is not offensive to people. I respect and try my best to honor the spiritual beliefs of others. My curiosity and thirst for knowledge of all cultural traditions is huge. I've never had any formal training.

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