Sunday, January 28, 2018

Rebecca Tate

To the Editor:

Many treatments for drug addiction today are flawed; even recovery using medication like methadone or buprenorphine might not be the right way to approach such a problem.

It is time for society to change the way we view drug users and their path to recovery. People who choose to go into rehab or who take medication need to be able to form healthy bonds with the people around them, and not be seen solely as addicts.

There is a lot of controversy regarding drug treatment, but the critical factor that recurs in all treatment plans is the mind-set of society.

Addiction is ultimately a symptom of disconnection; such symptoms cannot be treated by casting people out from society. We should indeed recognize that medication is as valid as any treatment, but we should also think about changing our own mind-set, if only to help people recover.



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