Wednesday, August 15, 2018

Moth Vitals by Nancy Wyllie

MOTH VITALS is an experimental film about two extraordinary cases seen by RI Department of Environmental Management Veterinarian Dr. Peter Belinsky. His reflections on the requests made by long time clients who share an extraordinary reverence for life ask all of us to make no distinction between higher and lower organisms; to extend our circle of compassion to all living things and to fully embrace the mystery that is life.
My decision to make MOTH VITALS grew out of my 30 year association with Dr. Peter Belinsky. During that time he has shared many stories of heartbreak and abuse involving companion animals and those held in captivity. Together we have witnessed the plight of diverse species and have treated a variety of animals in homes, zoos and on the sea yet it is the memory of two very special clients that has lingered longest.

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